Stealth Belt has a new website! Please visit us at Product links on this website will automatically redirect you to our new site for order placement.

Inservice Presentation

Thank you very much for your interest in Stealth Belt and for wanting to learn more about how our products can help your patients live their best lives after surgery. Your presenter will be Stealth Belt Vice President and Ostomate since 2014, Collin Jarvis.

Collin was a nationally ranked long-distance runner competing at UC Berkeley when he was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis and eventually required a total colectomy. During his presentation, Collin will share his story with you and how wearing a Stealth Belt helped him cope with an ostomy physically and psychologically.

Additional topics that will be covered:
➤ Stealth Belt Product Styles & Features
➤ Addressing Common Challenges
➤ Clinical Study on patient’s Quality of Life
➤ Q+A