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What Are Stealth Belts?
Stealth Belts are ostomy support belts that are designed to comfortably support and conceal an ostomy appliance. Stealth Belts are great for any activity, including casual daily wear, sleeping, exercise, or swimming. In a recent study published in JWOCN, Stealth Belts were shown to reduce the frequency of leakage and incidence of skin irritation among ostomy patients, making them the ideal tool to help your patients "Go Anywhere. Do Anything." with their ostomy appliances.

How can we help you?

Stealth Belts can help reduce the chance of leaks and irritation by supporting the weight of the oppliance as it fills. They also help patients improve their overall quality of life by providing a sense of security and discretion concealing the appliance and Improving confidence.
Vertical Style
Most patients will find that the Horizontal style STEALTH BELT" is preferable for keeping the appliance concealed and out of the way of the waistline and belt buckles. However, some patients who have watery output. high-output, or prefer to keep their appliance vertically may prefer the Vertical Stealth Belts.
Horizontal Style
If a patient has a body size that is between 2 available sizes, the belt ordered should use the nearest available even number body size. (eg. a 33" body measurement should use either a 32" or 34" Stealth Belt. To determine whether to go up or down the patient should consider if they expect to gain or lose weight in the near future, or if they plan to use the bell to be physically active. Active users generally prefer a tighter fit. Most Stealth Belts have a 4" inch adjustable range, so generally either size will work for those who measure in between. The same applies for flange measurements, If an appliance is measured between two sizes. the next largest size flange option will work best (eg, ali flange should get a 23/4" Stealth Belt measurement).
The lifespan of the Stealth Belt product is dependent on how much it is used and how often it is washed.We have found that it is generally best to replace Stealth Belts every 6-8 months.
Pro Style
We always recommend that a patient have at least two Stealth Belts - one to wash and one to wear. For many patients, it is most advantageous to have multiple style belts to use for different activities. Example: Each ostomy patient would have a STEALTH BELT Pro for daily use, a Slip-On STEALTH BELT for night-time use or intimacy, and Pro Style Slip-On Style a Neoprene STEALTH BELT for use in the water.
Slip-On Style
Yes! Fosten all belt closures to prevent the velcro from sticking to other items. Machine wash your Stealth Belts on a gentle cycle in warm water. Do not use bleach. Machine dry your Stealth Belt ong,delicate cycle. For longer durability, you may hand wash and hang-dry your Stealth Belts.
No. Stealth Belts are designed with a zippered pouch compartment to allow for easy access to the appliance for emptying.

Collin Jarvis

Vice President / Stealth Belt User

I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis in 2013, and by 2014 I had an Ileostomy. As a competitive long distance runner, I was worried that I would never be able to compete again. My Stealth Belt gave me the confidence and security I needed to start running with my ostomy, and completely changed my outlook for the better. After being a customer for 2 years, I joined the company in an effort to help others live happier and more fulfilling lives after surgery. Check out this video I made about why you should recommend Stealth Belts to all of your patients!


"Are you involved with a local support group or regional WOCN Conference? Would you like to hear from someone with an ostomy to learn more about the patient perspective at these events, or have a Stealth Belt representative visit and educate about the products? Contact us to learn more about our speakers, who have presented at over 50 support groups and regional WOCN conferences in the last 2 years!"